Bylaws for the Ellet Senior High Chapter of the National Honor Society
Article I Purpose of these
Section 1. The purpose of
these bylaws shall be to establish the order and conduct by which the Ellet Chapter of the National Honor Society is to function,
and to create a uniform standard by which its members shall abide.
Section 2. All bylaws herein
shall be consistent with the constitution of the National Honor Society.
Article II Schedule of
meetings and attendance requirements
Section 1. All meetings
shall be regularly scheduled for Wednesday mornings at 7:30 A.M. during the school year, unless otherwise moved or cancelled by the chapter president in conjunction with the chapter
Section 2. All Honor Society
members shall be required to be in attendance for these meetings unless an excused absence occurs. An excused absence must
be one approved by the office or another meeting.
Section 3. The chapter president,
in conjunction with the chapter advisor, reserves the right to call special meetings for the Ellet Chapter of Honor Society,
for any special committee or any combination or fraction thereof.
Section 4. Any Honor Society
member who misses three meetings without it being an office excused absence shall have a written warning that she/he shall
improve his/her attendance record in the future. The chapter advisor shall define “reasonable excuse.”
Section 5. Any Honor Society
member who misses a fourth meeting after receiving his/her warning shall be notified of the offense and be given a second
and final warning.
Section 6. Any Honor Society
member who misses a fifth meeting after receiving the final warning shall be declared not to be in good standings with the
National Honor Society, and removed from National Honor Society.
Section 7. Any event at
which a member is expected at and declines to appear shall count as a missed meeting, thereby furthering the offender along
the disciplinary path.
Article III Chapter Dues
Section 1. Annual dues for
the Ellet chapter of the National Honor Society shall be established by the Chapter Executive Committee.
Section 2. The amount of
the dues shall not exceed five dollars, nor shall they be less than a half-dollar.
Article IV Chapter Officers
and Executive Elections
Section 1. The chapter members
shall elect one member to serve as chapter president for the duration of the school year or until removed from office through
proper proceedings outlined in Article X.
Section 2. The chapter members
shall elect one member to serve as the chapter vice president for the duration for the school year or until removed from office
through proper proceedings outlined in Article X.
Section 3. The chapter members
shall elect one member to serve as the chapter secretary for the duration for the school year or until removed from office
through proper proceedings outlined in Article X.
Section 4. The chapter members
shall elect one member to serve as the chapter treasurer for the duration for the school year or until removed from office
through proper proceedings outlined in Article X.
Section 5. The chapter members
shall elect one member to serve as the chapter parliamentarian for the duration for the school year or until removed from
office through proper proceedings outlined in Article X.
Section 6. The executive
elections shall be held at a date in the spring, shortly after the annual inductions. The chapter advisor shall determine
the date of the elections.
Section 7. All members of
the Ellet chapter of National Honor Society shall be eligible to vote for the chapter officers.
Section 8. All members with
two years prior service in Honor Society shall be eligible to run for an executive officer position. Post Secondary students
may run for office but under strict guidelines.
Section 9. Candidates wishing
to run for an officer position must declare intention to run for NHS. Those students may not run for an office for Senior
Class, Student Council, Key Club, Yearbook Editor, or Newspaper Editor, as these jobs require dedication and time. No student
who has not declared intent to run for NHS officer may run for a position. Officers who are a part of the Post Secondary program
must have at least one scheduled period with Chapter Advisor and have no Post Secondary classes during the morning.
Section 10. Each candidate
for executive office shall prepare a general campaign speech which shall be read before the chapter during the election meeting
prior to the balloting.
Section 11. All elections
shall be held using secret ballot.
Section 12. The ballot shall
be non-seeded, which means candidates are running for an officer position. Members of NHS determine the rank order of the
candidates. A point system (5 for 1st position, 4 for 2nd position, 3 for 3rd position, 2
for 4th position, 1 for 5th position) will be applied to ballots.
Section 13. The executive
officers will be ranked from president to vice president to secretary to treasurer to parliamentarian by plurality of vote.
Section 14. The chapter
advisor shall select a date, sometime after the elections, but prior to the end of the school year, for the formal swearing
in of the newly elected officers.
Article V The offices
and duties of the president
Section 1. The duties of
the president shall include the following: a) Presiding over all meetings and functions b)Assigning tasks and responsibilities
to members c) Calling and dismissing meetings d) Organizing Spring inductions with the chapter advisor e) Organizing the graduation
set-up along with new officers f) Organizing members for all appropriate committees at the beginning of the year g) Organizing
and updating the NHS files h) Maintaining records and the history of the chapter i) Serving on the Executive Committee and
the Bylaw Committee.
Section 2. The duties of
the president may be handled by another officer of Honor Society throughout the course of the school year, if the need so
Section 3. The president
shall perform these duties in conjunction with the Executive Committee.
Article VI The offices
and duties of the vice-president
Section 1. The duties of
the vice-president shall include the following: a) Presiding over meetings or functions at which the chapter president is
not present b) Acting as president upon dismissal, removal, or resignation of the president c) Assigning tasks and responsibilities
to members d) Keeping records of all Honor Society members’ total hours of participation throughout the school year
e) Promoting events within the school and community f) Contacting the local news media to spur interest in events g) Assisting
the president in recording the history of the chapter h) Serving on the Executive Committee and the Bylaw Committee.
Section 2. The duties of
the vice-president may be handled by another officer of Honor Society throughout the course of the school year, if the need
so arises.
Section 3. The vice-president
shall perform these duties in conjunction with the Executive Committee.
Article VII The offices
and duties of the secretary
Section 1. The duties of
the secretary shall include the following: a) Taking attendance at all meeting and functions b) Taking minutes at all meetings
c) Assisting in typing, filing, and copying required during the process of carrying out Honor Society activities d) Assisting
the President in keeping of records e) Serving on the Executive Committee and the Bylaw Committee f) Handling attendance letters
to members not attending meetings.
Section 2. The duties of
the secretary may be handled by another officer of Honor Society throughout the course of the school year, if the need so
Section 3. The secretary
shall perform these duties in conjunction with the Executive Committee.
Article VIII The office
and duties of the treasurer
Section 1. The duties of
the treasurer shall include the following: a) Collecting chapter dues from all members b) Preparing a budget and mission statement
at the beginning of the school year c) Collecting money received through fund raising projects d) Paying any bills incurred
during the course of the year e) Handling any other financial affairs involving the Ellet Chapter of the National Honor Society
f) Serving on the Executive Committee and the Bylaw Committee.
Section 2. The duties of
the treasurer may be handled by another officer of Honor Society throughout the course of the school year, if the need so
Section 3. The treasurer
shall perform these duties in conjunction with the Executive Committee.
Article IX The office
and duties of the parliamentarian
Section 1. The duties of
the parliamentarian shall include the following: a) Acting as chairperson on the Bylaw Committee b) Forming a scrapbook of
various activities done throughout the year c) Updating and maintaining the Chapter website d) Creating and organizing the
member information lists e) Making sure that the meetings run according to Parliamentarian procedure f) Serving on the Executive
Section 2. The duties of
the parliamentarian may be handled by another officer of Honor Society throughout the course of the school year, if the need
so arises.
Section 3. The parliamentarian
shall perform these duties in conjunction with the Executive Committee.
Article X Impeachment
of Officers
Section 1. Impeachment of
officers shall be carried out in open proceedings.
Section 2. A petition to
impeach an officer must be presented to the chapter advisor. It must contain the signature of a simple majority of the current
active members, as well as valid reasons for the removal of the officer from his/her post.
Section 3. Upon receiving
the petition, the chapter advisor will call for a special Faculty Council meeting. In this meeting the Faculty Council shall
review the petition to check its validity. The Faculty Council shall not determine guilt of the accused officer.
Section 4. Should the Faculty
Council determine the petition is valid; the chapter advisor shall call a special impeachment hearing. The chapter advisor
shall act as presiding officer at this meeting. A quorum of members must be present, with a quorum being defined as five-sixths
of all current active members at the time of the hearing. Should a quorum of members not be present, impeachment shall be
suspended until a quorum of members is present. During the interim, the accused officer shall be relieved of his/her duties.
Section 5. When a quorum
is present, the impeachment charges shall be read before the accused and the quorum of members. The accused executive officer
shall have sufficient time to defend him/herself against the charges brought against him/her.
Section 6. After a reasonable
period of debate, the Honor Society shall vote by secret ballot to determine whether the officer shall be removed from his/her
Section 7. A two-thirds
majority of the quorum must vote to remove the officer from his/her post to achieve impeachment of the officer.
Section 8. If the officer
is removed from his/her post, a special election shall be held to fill the post.
Section 9. In the event
the officer removed is the president, the vice president shall become president until the special election can be held.
Section 10. Upon the dismissal
of any executive officer, any members including other executive officers are eligible to fill the vacancy.
Section 11. If another officer
fills the vacant post, the previously held title is relinquished and another special election shall be held to fill the newly
vacant post.
Section 12. Any officer
removed from office by impeachment proceedings shall not lose membership benefits, unless the Faculty Council decides that
membership status has been violated, or if the impeached officer resigns from National Honor Society.
Article XI The Executive
Section 1. The Executive
Committee shall be composed of the president, the vice president, secretary, treasurer, parliamentarian, and the chapter advisor.
Section 2. The Executive
Committee shall convene to plan activities, discuss chapter matters, create and dissolve committees: both permanent and temporary,
and coordinate executive actions.
Section 3. This article
shall not be construed in such a manner that prevents input from regular active members on matters concerning the welfare
of the chapter.
Article XII Activities
and Functions Sponsored by Honor Society
Section 1. Honor Society
shall collect and redeem Acme receipts as a fundraiser for as long as the program runs. This shall be done by the Acme receipt
committee. The Acme receipt committee shall consist of the chapter treasurer and any additional needed members.
Section 2. Honor Society
shall sponsor a scholarship walk for the Howell Memorial Scholarship in the month of September or October. The Executive Committee
shall be responsible for the planning and organization of this event.
Section 3. Honor Society
shall hold to annual Bloodmobiles, one around Thanksgiving, and one in the spring, in conjunction with the Red Cross. The
preparation of the event shall be carried out by the NHS Bloodmobile Committee. This committee shall consist of at least one
senior and one junior member of NHS. Additional members may be added as needed.
Section 4. Honor Society
shall sponsor an Academic Challenge program each fall. Ticket prices and organization, shall be determined by the Academic
Challenge Committee. This committee shall consist of at least one senior and one junior member of NHS. Additional members
may be added as needed.
Section 5. Honor Society
shall hold a Valentine’s Day Spaghetti Dinner for senior citizens in the month of February. The Spaghetti Dinner Committee
shall be responsible for the organization and operation of this event. This committee shall consist of at least one senior
and one junior member of NHS. Additional members may be added as needed.
Section 6. Honor Society
shall hold a Valagram sale in the month of February. The Valagram committee shall be responsible for the organization and
the operation of this event. This committee shall consist of at least one senior and one junior member of NHS. Additional
members may be added as needed.
Section 7. Honor Society
shall hold an induction ceremony every year after new members have been selected. The Executive Committee shall be responsible
for the organization and operation of this event. The president shall act as the committee chairperson for this event.
Section 8. Honor Society
shall sponsor an annual Auction-a-Lunch. The organization and operation of the event are to be carried out by the Auction-a-Lunch
committee. This committee shall consist of at least one senior and one junior member of NHS. Additional members may be added
as needed.
Section 9. Honor Society
shall sponsor a rose sale during the spring. The Rose Sale Committee shall execute and plan the sale. This committee shall
consist of at least one senior and one junior member of NHS. Additional members may be added as needed.
Section 10. Honor Society
shall hold a Senior Citizen Prom in the month of May. The Senior Citizen Prom Committee shall be responsible for the organization
and operations of this event. This committee shall consist of at least one senior and one junior member of NHS. Additional
members may be added as needed.
Section 11. Honor Society
shall hold a ceremonial breakfast to inaugurate the new officers. The NHS Breakfast Committee shall be responsible for the
organization and operations of this event. This committee shall consist of at least one senior and one junior member of NHS.
Additional members may be added as needed.
Section 12. Honor Society
shall manage the senior graduation at the end of the school year. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the organization
and the operation of this event along with the Executive Committee. The newly elected president shall be the chairperson for
this event.
Section 13. The Executive
Committee shall be responsible for the organization and operation of any other such events that are held by the Honor Society
unless otherwise dictated by the president.
Section 14. The money raised
by the Honor Society, except for operating expenses, shall go to the student body in the form of scholarships and one gift
for the school, which shall be determined by the Ellet Chapter as one.
Article XIII Scholarships
Section 1. The value of
the scholarships and the number of scholarships given out shall be determined by the Ellet Chapter as one, to go to the school.
Section 2. Applicants for
scholarships shall complete necessary forms and return them to the chapter advisor by the set deadline.
Section 3. A special scholarship
committee composed of three faculty members. The committee shall determine the recipient of each scholarship by a majority
vote. A simple majority is required to approve the recipient.
Article XIV Faculty Council
Section 1. The principal
shall select five members of the faculty to serve as the NHS Faculty Council.
Section 2. Every attempt
shall be made by the principal to select at least four of the Faculty Council member from the core subject areas.
Section 3. The Faculty Council
shall serve until the principal determine there is a need to replace members of the group.
Article XV Election of
Section 1. The counselors
will provide a list of students achieving an accumulative GPA of 3.5 for all students (sophomores, juniors, and seniors) after
first semester grades have been averaged into the accumulative.
Section 2. The aforementioned
student will receive a membership invitation, which will include information form service in and out of school, club involvement,
and short response questions concerning commitments to NHS activities.
Section 3. The membership
invitation forms shall have a point system indicated for each activity to determine service and leadership involvement.
Section 4. Teachers shall
receive a ballot with all eligible members listed. Teachers will award 0-4 points (0 very poor, 4 outstanding) each student
they know through Ellet classes, clubs, or any other association. Teachers will not vote on students they do not know. Teachers
will also make comments pertinent to character, service, leadership, and scholarship.
Section 5. The advisor of
NHS shall collect teacher ballots, tally the results, and create a master copy for each Faculty Council member.
Section 6. The advisor of
NHS shall collect student membership forms and make a copy for each Faculty Council member.
Section 7. The advisor shall
secure office records (disciplinary and permanent record cards) and make copies for the Faculty Council members.
Section 8. The Faculty Council
shall convene at the agreed time to review the membership packets.
Section 9. Each Faculty
Council member (5) shall vote upon membership. The advisor of NHS shall not vote, but shall serve as facilitator or the committee.
A majority vote (3-2 minimum) is needed to secure a membership.
Section 10. The advisor
shall create a document for counselor listing general reasons for not approving candidates. This information will be shared
only after the induction ceremony is held, and if the student seeks information from the counselor.
Section 11. The advisor
shall send letters home to parents, inviting parents and family to participate in the induction ceremony.
Section 12. The Executive
Committee shall coordinate Big Brother/Big Sisters for the Induction Candle Lighting Ceremony.
Section 13. The Executive
Committee shall coordinate Faculty Sponsors for the Induction Ceremony.
Section 14. The Executive
Committee will coordinate creation of certificates, membership cards, honor cords, programs, and directions for teachers,
students, and parents.
Section 15. The Executive
Committee will coordinate the ceremony and reception for inductions.
Article XVI Insignia Award
Section 1. Members of NHS
who served at least two years, and served a minimum of thirty (30) hours of service, shall be eligible for the Insignia Award.
Section 2. Insignia Patches
will be presented to qualified seniors at eh Induction Ceremony.
Article XVII The Amendment
of Bylaws
Section 1. All members of
the Executive Committee shall serve on the Bylaw Committee.
Section 2. Any chapter members
may serve on the Bylaw Committee if he/she desires.
Section 3. The Bylaw Committee
may amend, adapt, or rewrite the bylaws to fit the needs of the particular school year.
Section 4. Amendments or
rewritten provisions of the bylaw shall be subject to the approval of the chapter membership in a simple majority vote.
Section 5. These bylaws
shall be subject to the approval of the Faculty Council, who may amend or adapt the laws as they see fit, by a simple majority
Section 6. The school principal
reserves the right to veto any provision in the bylaws by the rights given to him/her in the National Honor Society Constitution.
Section 7. Upon approval
of the bylaws by the parties aforementioned, they shall be placed in effect at the next Honor Society meeting.
Article XVIII Expected
Section 1. All members of
NHS are required to show proper moral character while a member of the National Honor Society; inside and outside of school.
Section 2. The following
behaviors shall be considered inappropriate:
-Under-age drinking
-Drug usage and abuse
-Display of sexual activity
-Inappropriate sexual conduct
-Use of serious expletives
-Display of racism
Section 3. Inappropriate
behaviors are not limited to afore mentioned behaviors. The Ellet chapter advisor will deem which non-listed behaviors are
considered inappropriate.
Section 4. All members of
NHS are expected to keep electronic accounts clean and presentable (i.e. “My Space,” “Facebook,” WebShots,
Section 5. Any member committing
an offense will be brought before the Faculty Council for a review to see if their actions warrant punishment or probation
(In accordance with Article XIV, Section 6.).
Section 6. Member will be
brought before the Faculty Council only if two adult witnesses present this information to the Ellet chapter advisor or by
self-incrimination in accordance with Article XIV Section 7.
Article XIV Resignation
and Dismissal of members
Section 1. Any Honor Society
member reserves the right to resign his/her status as an officer or as a member of the chapter.
Section 2. All resignations
should be formally submitted to the chapter advisor. The chapter advisor shall check the validity of the resignation and submit
it to the Faculty Council, who will decide if it will be accepted.
Section 3. Should the resignation
be accepted, the member shall be removed from the chapter and National roll.
Section 4. A member shall
be immediately dismissed from Honor Society if he/she commits a serious crime against society (i.e. murder, grand theft, other
felonies, etc.).
Section 5. Honor Society
members accused of any of the below acts shall be brought before the Faculty Council for a hearing to determine probation
or expulsion from Honor Society: a) Plagiarism or cheating b) Forging or using forged documents c) Stealing d) Vandalizing
school or public property e) Fighting f) Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs while in school or at any school function,
or possessing drugs or alcohol at any school function.
Section 6. Any member committing
any other offense against the school or society not aforementioned shall be brought before the Faculty Council for a hearing.
Section 7. Any member displaying
behavior which is determined to display a lack of character outside of school can face disciplinary action. The behavior has
to be witnessed by two adults, and/or been confessed to adults who will then present the incidents to the Faculty Council.
Section 8. The Faculty Council
shall listen to the case against the student as well as the student’s testimony. The Faculty Council shall then convene
privately to decide a course of action.
Section 9. The Faculty Council
may: a) Acquit the accused student of all charges b) Give the student a written warning that the standards of conduct of Honor
Society and the behavioral deficiency must be corrected within the set time period and/or suspend certain membership privileges
indefinably c) Issue “consequences” of public service as punishment for such offenses d) Recommend the student
resign from Honor Society e) Dismiss the student from Honor Society.
Section 10. In the event
that the Faculty Council gives the student a written warning, the student shall be placed on probation for the period of time
stated within the warning. If the offense is repeated within this period, the Faculty Council shall have a final hearing before
the Faculty Council, at which time a decision will be made regarding course of action.
Section 11. In the event
that the Faculty Council recommends that the student resign from Honor Society and the student fails to do so, the Faculty
Council may then dismiss the student from Honor Society.
Section 12. In the event
the accused Honor Society member is an officer, the Faculty Council may recommend that the student resign from office as a
penalty, in addition to any other prescribed punishment. However, the Council may not force the student to resign from a position.
Only those who elect the official can remove him/her from office. The Faculty Council may remove the officer from chapter
Section 13. In the event
the accused Honor Society member is an officer and impeachment proceedings have been initiated, the Faculty Council shall
suspend its proceedings until the impeachment proceedings have come to a conclusion. The Faculty Council may then continue
in its disciplinary actions.
Section 14. Any member who
has been dismissed shall retain the right to appeal the decision under the same rules for disciplinary appeals established
by the AkronPublic
School Board.
Article XV Disclaimer
Section 1. These bylaws,
or any provisions thereof, shall not be construed in such a way to prevent the logical administration of areas not specifically
mentioned or written herein.
Section 2. These bylaws
shall be enforced in such a manner as to not conflict with the school disciplinary policy.